Tuesday, July 17, 2007

'Bout damn time

As I sit and blog the U.S. Senate is in all-night session due to a republican filibuster against the Levin-Reed amendment, and an up-or-down vote on troop levels in the Iraq war. Harry Reid has forced the GOP hand and made them stay in session all night for debate.

It's about damn time the Democrats made the republicans put their mouths with their money is.

The facts:
  • The American people want congress to do something;
  • The House of Representatives has passed legislation the American people want;
  • The Senate majority wants to respond to the will of the people;
  • The GOP minority is denying the will of the people through guerrilla political prodecure.
The Republicans, in my opinion, are asking for electoral extinction by going "all-in" for Bush's Iraq debacle.

The Democrats need to be as aggressive as possible informing the general public that it is the republicans that are keeping their will from being enacted. If they succeed the GOP will soon lack the votes to sustain a filibuster.

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