Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Hope for America

Gubernatorial races in Virginia and New Jersey signal hope that America may be coming out of its political tailspin.

The Virginia race is exceptionally good news. Democrat Tim Kaine drubbed his GOP opponent Jerry Kilgore. Kaine's victory came in "Red" America, and in a race in which George W. Bush campiagned for Kilgore as late as Monday. Kaine's 6-point win has to be seen as a resounding rejection of Bush in what had been friendly territory.

In St. Paul mayor Randy Kelly was trounced by more than 30 points by challenger Chris Coleman. Both are democrats, but Kelly is considered a turncoat for having endorsed Bush in 2004. Coleman, a loyal democrat, won easily.

In California, all of the Governator's ballot inititives failed, leaving Ah-nold weakened. The Governator spent $50-60 million for his gaffe, an issue sure to rankle voters next year when he goes before the people.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


It's been 1,519 days since airliners flew into the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Osama bin Laden is still at large.

Open season for ranting

It's been a while, the the polirants blog is back. Wish me luck in keeping up with it.